
class protex.residue.Residue(residue, alternativ_name, system, inital_parameters, alternativ_parameters, has_equivalent_atoms, force_idxs={})[source]

Bases: object

Residue extends the OpenMM Residue Class by important features needed for the proton transfer.

  • residue ( – The residue from an OpenMM Topology

  • alternativ_name (str) – The name of the corresponding protonated/deprotonated form (eg. OAC for HOAC)

  • system (openmm.openmm.System) – The system generated with openMM, where all residues are in

  • initial_parameters (dict[list]) – The parameters for the residue

  • alternativ_parameters (dict[list]) – The parameters for the alternativ (protonated/deprotonated) state

  • force_idxs

  • has_equivalent_atoms (tuple[bool,bool]) – if original name and alternative name have equivalent atoms

  • residue ( – The residue from an OpenMM Topology

  • original_name (str) – The name of the residue given by the OpenMM Residue, will not change throughout the simulation(?)

  • current_name (str) – The current name of the residue, depending on the protonation state

  • atom_idxs (list[int]) – List of all atom indices belonging to that residue

  • list[str] (atom_names;) – List of all atom names belonging to that residue

  • parameters (dict[str: dict[list]]) – Dictionary containnig the parameters for original_name and alternativ_name

  • record_charge_state (list) – deprecated 1.1? Records the charge state of that residue

  • system (openmm.openmm.System) – The system generated with openMM, where all residues are in

  • equivalent_atoms (dict[str, bool]) – if orignal_name and alternative name have equivalent atoms

  • force_idxs




Update the requested force in that residue.



Alternative name for the residue, e.g.


Current charge of the residue.


Charge of the residue at the endstate (will be int).


Determines if the current residue has an equivalent atom defined.

property alternativ_name: str

Alternative name for the residue, e.g. the corresponding name for the protonated/deprotonated form.


The alternative name

Return type:


property current_charge: int

Current charge of the residue.

property endstate_charge: int

Charge of the residue at the endstate (will be int).

property has_equivalent_atom: bool

Determines if the current residue has an equivalent atom defined.

It depends i.e if the residue is currently OAC (-> two equivalent O’s) or HOAC (no equivlent O’s).


True if this residue currently has an equivalent atom, else otherwise

Return type:


update(force_name: str, lamb: float) None[source]

Update the requested force in that residue.

  • force_name (str) – Name of the force to update

  • lamb (float) – lambda state at which to get corresponding values (between 0 and 1)

Return type:
