calcRotationMatrix(coor,coorA,coorB) |
energy = calcDipDipEnergyAtomic(coms, dipol, resnum_solute, nmolecules) |
energy = calcEnergyAA(xyz, charges, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, resnum_solute, nmolecules) |
Calculates the solvation energy of a solute in an ionic liquid for a given frame. |
energy = calcEnergyAAhisto(xyz, coms, charges, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, resnum_solute, nmolecules, min_histo, max_histo, bins_hist,array indices, array indices 2) |
energy = calcEnergyAAhisto(xyz, coms, charges, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, resnum_solute, nmolecules, min_histo, max_histo, bins_hist,array indices) |
energy = calcEnergyAA(xyz, coms, charges, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, resnum_solute, resnum_from, resnum_to, drude_list) |
energy = calcEnergyAA(xyz, coms, charges, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, resnum_solute, resnum_from, resnum_to, drude_list, min_histo, max_histo, bins_histo) |
energy = calcEnergyAtomic(xyz, charges, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, resnum_solute, nmolecules) |
energy = calcEnergyAtomic(xyz, charges, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, resnum_solute, nmolecules, delaunay_shell) |
energy = calcEnergyDouble(xyz, charges_1, charges_2, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, resnum_solute, nmolecules,start_res,end_res) |
energy = calcEnergyMuA(xyz, charges, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, resnum_solute, nmolecules,mu_solute) |
In a box, that is centered on a specific residue and rotated to its body-fixed frame, this determines in which octant around this molecule each other molecule is centered. |
Applies the Berthold-Horn-algorithm to a set of coordinates xyz, inplace. |
Centers the box to the center of mass of a given molecule and rotates the box so that two sets of coordinates are as identical as possible. |
centerOrientToPointBox(com, xyz, center, boxlength, atoms_per_residue, residue_first_atom, coorA, coorB) |
Calculates the center-of-mass coordinates for a given selection. |
Calculates the molecular dipole moments, each referenced to the respective center of mass, for a given selection. |
Calculates the dipole T-tensor (see Daniel's NMR code). |
Calculates the center-of-mass velocities for a given selection. |