Quantum Mechanics Setup

Initial Coordinates

Our goal is to generate parameters for the trifluoroacetate ion, F3CCOO-. To do this, we will first generate our intial coordinates used in the QM calulations by drawing our molecule in avogadro and optimizing its structure via Open Babel.

On debian-based systems, you can install avogadro by

sudo apt-get install avogadro

After opening avogadro, you can start building your molecule by clicking on the black field. Use the keyboard or the builder menu to construct trifluoroacetate.


Clicking on an existing bond increases the bond order, right-clicking on an atom deletes it.

You can then use the Open Babel extension to get a reasonable starting geometry.


If the option is greyed out, you can install Open Babel e.g. in a conda environment. If you don’t already have it, you can grab the latest version of Miniconda . Execute the script to install Miniconda, and then create a new environment by typing

conda create -n ffgenopt python=3.9

Answer yes to the prompt and activate new environment. You can then install Open Babel and open avogadro again.

conda activate ffgenopt
conda install -c conda-forge openbabel

Now you should be able to use the extension in avogadro, provided you started it with the ffgenopt environment active. Save the resulting geometry (File -> Export -> Molecule) as an .xyz file.

QM Calculation

Now you can start a QM calculation with your software of choice (such as Psi4 or Gaussian). If you want to use Psi4, you can install it in your ffgenopt environment via

conda install -n ffgenopt -c psi4 psi4

Your QM job script may look something like this:

import psi4,os,importlib
import numpy as np

mem_bytes = os.sysconf('SC_PAGE_SIZE') * os.sysconf('SC_PHYS_PAGES')
mem_gib = 0.75*mem_bytes/(1024.**3)
mem= str(mem_gib)+'gb'


outfile = 'f3ccoo_hess.out'
psi4.core.set_output_file(outfile, False)

inp_mol = psi4.geometry("""
-1 1
C     -1.60392   -0.46377    0.02162
C     -0.36006    0.41501    0.05794
F     -1.97453   -0.73962   -1.24327
F     -1.40553   -1.63727    0.65260
F     -2.65285    0.13123    0.62146
O      0.71408   -0.17910   -0.39895
O     -0.37609    1.60231    0.32048

mp2_e, mp2_wfn = psi4.optimize('mp2/cc-pvdz', molecule=inp_mol, return_wfn = True)
hess, wfn = psi4.driver.hessian('mp2/cc-pvdz', return_wfn = True)
dipder = wfn.variables().get("CURRENT DIPOLE GRADIENT", None)
if dipder is not None:
    dipder = np.asarray(dipder).T
hess_arr = np.asarray(hess)
geom = np.asarray(inp_mol.geometry())
masses = np.asarray([inp_mol.mass(i) for i in range(inp_mol.natom())])
ir_labels = inp_mol.irrep_labels()
basis = wfn.basisset()

vibinfo, vibtext = psi4.driver.qcdb.vib.harmonic_analysis(hess_arr, geom,
masses, basis, ir_labels, dipder)
symbols = [inp_mol.symbol(at) for at in range(inp_mol.natom())]

with open(outfile, 'a') as f:
    print(psi4.driver.qcdb.vib.print_vibs(vibinfo, normco='q', ncprec=5), file=f)

with open("f3ccoo.molden", 'w') as handle:
    handle.write(psi4.driver.qcdb.vib.print_molden_vibs(vibinfo, symbols, geom,

This file requests a geometry optimization and subsequent frequency calculation at the mp2/cc-pvdz level of theory, printing the normal modes at the end of the output file, as well as writing them in a molden format for visualization. The inp_mol block contains the charge, electronic multiplicity as well as the starting geometry of your molecule, in this case taken from the avogadro output. You may want to change the value of set_default_path() (i.e. the directory where the temporary files are written), since tmp is often limited in size.

Save the resulting file using a descriptive name, for instance f3ccoo.py. If your conda env is activated, you can start calculating the optimized geometry and the frequencies via

python3 f3ccoo.py

Once the calculation finishes, inspect the resulting frequencies in the output file and make sure none of them are imaginary. If that is the case, then you can proceed to the next part to generate the initial set of parameters. Alternatively, you can skip ahead to using FFGenOpt. If you do see imaginary frequencies, you can inspect the normal modes corresponding to those numers with molden. To install molden on debian-based systems use the commands

sudo apt-get install snapd
sudo snap install core
sudo snap install molden

Now you can open the molden-formatted normal mode file by

molden f3ccoo.molden

Extract the final geometry from the QM output into an .xyz file and open it with avogadro. Using the bond-centric atom manipulation tool, change the value of the internal coordinate (e.g. the F-C-C-O dihedral) slightly and start a geometry optimization with these coordinates. Rinse and repeat until only positive frequencies are reported in the output.